> 文章列表 > 春联是春节期间贴的英语




春节是中国最重要的节日,人们在这一天要贴年画、春联等装饰物。Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China. On this day, people decorate their homes with pictures, couplets, and other decorations.


过年是人们庆祝春节的日子,有很多活动,比如放炮、贴对联和包饺子。在英语中可以这么表达:During the Chinese New Year, people celebrate by setting off fireworks, pasting couplets, and making dumplings.


春联的英语是Spring Couplets,它是中国春节的装饰之一,对中国的新年庆祝活动有着重要的意义。

The English translation of 春联 is Spring Couplets. It is a decoration used during the Chinese New Year and holds great significance in the celebration of the Chinese New Year.


1) 在春节快来临的时候,有些人们会上街买一些春联来装饰家里。In anticipation of the upcoming Chinese New Year, some people go shopping for Spring Couplets to decorate their homes.


贴春联的过去式是Pasted couplets,春节联欢晚会的英语是Chinese New Year Gala。

The past tense of 贴春联 is \"pasted couplets\", and the English translation of 春节联欢晚会 is \"Chinese New Year Gala\".


英语翻译: The Chinese New Year marks the beginning and end of the Spring Festival, a traditional Chinese custom.

The Chinese New Year marks the beginning and end of the Spring Festival, which is a traditional custom in China.


关于春节的英语词组有很多,比如挂灯笼、吃年夜饭、贴对联、放鞭炮等。In English, there are many phrases related to the Chinese New Year, such as hanging lanterns, having a reunion dinner, pasting couplets, and setting off firecrackers.



The Chinese New Year is the most important and grandest festival in China. When the Chinese New Year arrives, people paste couplets and New Year pictures, and greet their friends with good wishes.



The Chinese New Year is a very important festival for Chinese people. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country, and every family participates in various colorful celebrations.


“春联”的英文是Spring Festival couplets 或者 New Year scrolls。

The English translation of \"春联\" is Spring Festival couplets or New Year scrolls.